Previous Speakers

2000 - 2001
Karen Reivich, Ph.D.
Preventing depression in children
G. Gary Ripple, Ph.D.
A thinking person's guide to the college admissions process
Nancy Samalin, M.S.
Positive discipline: alternatives to yelling, nagging, bribing and punishing
Judith Siegel, Ph.D., CSW
What children learn from their parents' marriage
Michael Thompson, Ph.D.
Best friends and worst enemies

Copy Of -2001 - 2002
Evan Imber-Black, Ph.D.
The secret lives of families
Ann Caron, Ph.D.
For Dads only: Understanding your adolescent daughters
Robert B. Brooks, Ph.D.
Raising resilient children
The Samaritan Counseling Center - Performance Plus Players
The harried household
Catherine Steiner Adair, Ph.D.
Flirting or hurting: How to help kids resist harmful, cultural influences and build healthy relationships
MaryAnn Brittingham
Developing positive self-esteem in children
Pat Amendola
The college athlete: How to become one ... is it worthwhile?
Rita Freedman, Ph.D.
Do these jeans make me look fat?

2002 - 2003
SuEllen Fried
Bullies and victims: Helping your child through the schoolyard battlefield
Michael Nerney
Drinking, drugs and other scary stuff: Exploring a partnership in prevention
Deborah M. Roffman
Sex and sensibility: The thinking parents guide to talking sense about sex
Michael Thompson
For Dads only: We are the sons of our father
Parenting Group Support - in collaboration with Rye Youth Council
Mike Riera, Ph.D.
Uncommon sense for parents with teenagers
Anne Morgenthau Grand, Ph.D.
Substance use and abuse and our teens
Dan Kindlon
Too much of a good thing: Avoiding misguided giving
Trish Calvert, Ph.D.
High hopes ... high stress

2005 - 2006
Eileen Burnstein
Middle School and the age of adjustment
Eileen Gallo, Ph.D. and Jon Gallo, J.D.
Children, money and values
Justin Richardson, M.D.
Everything you never wanted your kids to know about sex (but were afraid they'd ask)
Edward M. Hallowell, M.D.
The childhood roots of adult happiness
Nancy Samalin, M.S.
Loving without spoiling

2007 - 2008
Jeffrey Marx
This thing we call success: Building healthy relationships, healthy communities, and healthy leaders.
Lloyd Thacker
Confidence counts: Clearing the path to college
Panel Discussion: Is your child ready for Kindergarten.
Dr. Paul Donahue
Elly Short
Mary Archer
Susanne McHugh
Moderator: Margot Willoughby
Michael Nerney
Welcome to the adolescent brain
Dr. Mel Levine
Ready or not, here life comes
Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N
Laura Sessions Stepp
Unhooked: How young women pursue sex, delay love, and lose at both
2009 - 2010
Kim John Payne, M.Ed.
Tweens and teens: Simplicity parenting
Peg Tyre
The trouble with boys: A surprising report card on our sons, their problems at school and what parents and educators must do
Nathan A. Dungan
Families, money and habits: Navigating the new normal and how not to be your child's ATM
Jordan Metzl
What every parent, coach and athlete needs to know
Joel Haber
Bullyproof your child: Practical advice for parents and children
Dr. John T. Walkup, M.D.
Ready to launch: Fostering independence, maturity, and helping your teenager prepare for college life
2010 - 2011
Peter Nelson
Raising an ethical child: Turning what we believe into what we do
Marcella Moran, MA, LMHO
Organizing the disorganized child
Homa Sabet Tavangar
Growing up global: Raising children to be at home in the world
Edward M. Hallowell, MD
Crazy Busy: Coping strategies for overstretched, overbooked parents and children
Nature Deficit: A Panel Discussion
Why today's children are losing touch with unstructured and outdoor play, how this is affecting them, and what we can do about it
Moderator: Kathy Price (Rye Presbyterian Nursery School)
Dr. Paul Donahue
Stephanie Low, Rye Youth Council
Ed Phillip, Rye Y
Sally Rogol, Rye Recreation
Christine Siller, Rye Nature Center
Rhonda Sherwood, BSE, MBA
Simple steps to protect your family from toxins in our everyday world
Parent University
Drugs & Alcohol; Teen Dating & Relationships; Internet Safety; Body Image; Stress
Keynote speaker: Mark Sterner of Campuspeak
Scott Moore, Directore of EMS Services for Port Chester and Ry e Brook
Dianne De Filippis, Hope's Door
Monica Vila, The Online Mom
Dr. Marcie Schneider, Body Image specialist
Dr. Mark Levy, Director of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Counseling Center
2011 - 2012
Ron Taffel, Ph.D.
Childhood unbound: Saving our kids' best selves​
Wendy Mogel
Raising resilient teenagers: How to be an effective parent in a culture of anxiety and entitlement​
Bob Bigelow
Adults and children in organized sports - who wins, who loses?​
Rhonda Sherwood
Reducing environmental toxins and their impact on children​
Jordan Burnham
Emotional and mental wellness among teens and young adults
Katie Koestner
Reputation management: Our kids' digital footprints
2012 - 2013
Anthony Wolf, Ph.D.
The secret of parenting: what works and what doesn't
Deborah Roffman
Talk to me first: How to become your kids' go-to person about sex​
Kirk and Casey Martin
At my wits end: Stop defiance and power struggles with your teens​
Karl A. Pillemer Ph.D.
30 lessons for living: Tried and true advice from the wisest Americans​
Alison Birnbaum
The birth order games: Understanding our roles​
Jacy Good
Hang up and drive!
Dr. Richard D. Ginsburg
Whose game is it anyway: A guide to helping your child get the most from sports
2013 - 2014
Deep secrets and boys' friendships
Richard Ginsberg, Ph.D.
Stephen Apkon
Parenting in the age of image - what every parent should know
John Badalament
Modern Dad's dilemma: How to stay connected with your kids in a rapidly changing world
2014 - 2015
Catherine Steiner Adair Ed.D.
Got grit? The call to educate smart, savvy and socially intelligent students​
Kirk and Casey Martin
Discipline that works: Get kids to listen the first time​
5 things you need to speak with your tween/teen about now: An honest talk on sexuality, social media and other adolescent realities
Parent University
Social technology
Jessica Millstone, Ed. M. (Common Sense Media) - Raising kids in our 24/7 connected culture
RHS Student Panel - Popular social networking applications and their benefits, risks and downfalls
Paul Donohue, Ph.D. - Raising digital natives: How to introduce technology and electronic media to young children
Kirk and Casey Martin - Build real confidence and motivate your kids without social media
Dr. Sandra Haymon
Parenting in the sandwich generation
Collaboration with SPRYE
Logan Levkoff and Jennifer Wider, M.D.
Got Teens? The Doctor moms guide to sexuality, social media & other adolescent realities
Carl Honore
In Praise of Slow Parenting
2015 - 2016
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Let's talk drugs
Ron Lieber
The Opposite of Spoiled​
Lynn Lyons, LICSW
Anxious kids, anxious parents: How to stop the worry cycle
Bonnie Harris, MSW
What to do when your kids push your buttons
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
Untangled: Guiding teenagers through the seven transitions into adulthood
Film Screening & Panel Discussion
2016 - 2017
Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Most Likely to Succeed
Jessica Lahey
The gift of failure
Lisa Miller, Ph.D.
The Spiritual Child
Adam Cox, Ph.D.
Understanding boys: Cooperation & motivation
Rachel Simmons
Raising daughters to be authentic, build trusting relationships, increase resilience and embolden them to feel confident, motivated and inspired.
The Power of the Arts | Collaboration with the Rye Arts Center

2017 - 2018
Christopher Willard
Mindful Parenting
Film Screening & Panel Discussion
Finding Kind
Jennifer Bryan, Genevieve Weber, Dr. Aron Janssen, M.D.
Understanding gender diversity
Susan Cain
Quiet Kids: Raising an introvert in a world that can't stop talking
Frank Bruni
Where you go is not who you'll be

2018 - 2019
January 01, 2020
​Film Screening: Swim Team
Presented in partnership with RAISE.
Michael Thompson, Ph.D.
How to raise responsible children.
Manoush Zomorodi
Bored and brilliant. Fostering creativity in a tech-driven world.
Jennifer Breheny Wallace
How to raise more grateful children.
Lisa Damour, Ph.D.
Under Pressure: Confronting the epidemic of stress and anxiety in teenagers.

2019 - 2020
August 26, 2020
Elizabeth Englander, Ph.D.
Supporting our children's social lives in the age of social media.​
John O'Sullivan
Changing the game in youth sports.​
How to talk to your kids about their bodies and sex.
Marcie Schneider, MD
Parenting the teenage years.​
William Deresiewicz
Higher education: are we getting it right?

2020 - 2021
Molly Ness, Ph.D.
How to supporting K-8 children in virtual and hybrid learning